A Tribute to our Veterans

We frequently walked by this park wondering if we would be able to find the cache hidden here. Finally we had our chance.
We had a busy week enjoying the Cottage on Cayuga lake and then we went to stay with family where we were cooped up indoors too much. So Josh took us out for a walk on a whim, and we brought the GPS.
A Chance Encounter.

In May 1851, there was a chance encounter on the streets of Seneca Falls, which forever altered the struggle of Women's Rights. Amelia Jenks Bloomer introduced Susan B. Anthony to Elizabeth Cady Stanton. The friendship that was forged between Stanton and Anthony gave direction and momentum to the seventy-two year struggle for womens suffrage which culminated on August 26, 1920 in the passage of the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution. Neither woman lived to see this happen.
Our owner when to Elizabeth Cady Staton Middle School in Seneca Falls and has also helped with the 150th anniversary woman's rights festivities that occured in SF.
This is a great place for a cache and again we thank MaMa Bear for providing us with some entertainment, education and exercise when we visit SF.
Although Linnaea is a little too young to be helping us with caching we thought that since she was baptized in this little country church that it would be a great place to hide a cache in her honor. We have never done this before and have been planning to for some time!
We decided to use an old plastic water bottle that Josh doesn't use anymore because of the BPTs. Do you think that this is a great recycling use for wide mouth plastic water bottles?

We thought about hiding the cache in the Cemetary but we didn't have a magnetic cache container or a good way to camouflage our container. But the handicap access ramp worked beautifully. We hope that many people come to visit this cache and enjoy the Beauty of the Central NY area.
Enjoy! Thanks for Reading!