Saturday, September 20, 2008

Last Cache in Austria

J and M tried to find a few other caches in Austria but there were a few that there just wasn't time for. So in a last ditch effort as it started to get dark J, M, J's sister and Boyfriend went on a mission. After all there were Travel Bugs that had not found a new home yet.
They took a short drive to some castle ruins that are located near the house they were staying in. Based in the map on their GPS they thought the cache was located in the castle or on the edge of it. But upon reaching the castle and wandering through the ruins and visiting the stage it was clear that the cache was actually located well below the castle. They did not have Topographical maps of the area. Since the castle was way up on a hill they did not know that they could not get to the cache from there. Based on the picture above you actually could just barely make out the location of the cache. It was in the field below. it was located on the other side of a fence just about in the exact middle of this picture. They almost gave up when with a little bit of patience and sharp eyes in the fast approaching darkness they located pile of sticks on the other side of a fence. They had found their cache.
There was just barely enough room for all of the Travel bugs that they wanted to place but finally the PWD_vicarious Vacation I, PR bear, and Marty the party animal had a new home. On the way out of the field this was the view they had of the castle. If J had been given more time to take the shot it would have been even more clear but the other three were trying to get back to the car as it got very dark out.
We wish we could have been there to run around in the field. Maybe we even could have cashed on cows.
Thanks for reading. When we come back it will be about finding caches in England with the Beals. It turns out Mr. Beals is really good at finding micro caches.

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