Thursday, August 28, 2008

Last Day of summer...Time for Hybernation.

No we don't let summer ending end our out door fun. But J does go back to school and that means less time to wander and adventure. This post will be about two caches. The second foreign cache found in Vienna and the recent cache Hybernation. I know the Hybernation is spelled wrong it wasn't me that is what the person called it.
J had his first day of work for the 2008-2009 school year on Monday and felt guilty about leaving us inside all day so thought he would come home and bring us out for one easy cache. Hybernation was a nice walk along the Blue and Orange trails on the westside of the Vernon Rails to Trails Near Valley falls park. We found this trail about a year ago in the winter and when we saw all of the mountain laurels we thought we need to make sure we come back in the spring when the Mountain Laurels are in bloom. We still havent been there for that but will need to go back in Spring of 2009.
The Cache certainly would be deceiving if you were to try to get to it from the Vernon Rail to Trails directly. The steep climb is what turned us off when we walked by before. The Blue Trail is the way to go. We wandered a little and didn't find any water; there were a couple of places that were almost caves! Here we are in-front of the "cave" that held this cache:Cora was hoping for some treats

Caching in Vienna!
Oh if we could have been in Europe... J, M and J's sister took the train into Vienna front Villach near where the stayed. The Cool thing about Austria is they love dogs almost as much as England. It seems that Europe in general loves their dogs. We actually could have riden the train with them. No restrictions saying dogs over 10 pounds have to be in crates. Here is a pictures the collie was waiting to get on the train...
and Jand M tell us that there was a dog "loose" on the train. They finally got into Vienna after a 4 hour ride through the Austrian countryside. Unfortunately they did not see many dogs in Vienna and we probably wouldn't have been allowed in the art museums or Opera Houses.
But J and M did find a cache next too this statue on the outside of Burg Theatre.
We learned that this cache disapeared less than a week after we found it. Oh well. There will be more stories to come.
Thanks for reading.

Friday, August 22, 2008

First Foreign Cache

We couldn't be there ":-( except in spirit as J and his sister found our first foreign cache. It was actually a really easy find. J's sister knew what wooden bridge was being referred to and led J and M right too it.
Here is J's sister at the cache. Even though it was a micro we managed to leave a couple calling cards. Hope someone out there is reading about our adventures!
After finding the cache they went on a 16 mile bike ride. It was exhausting because there were two choice up or downhill. The down was fine but everytime they went down they had to come back up. The bike ride was a good way to take in the Austrian countryside but not a good way to take pics though.
Enjoy and TFTC Rockmountain! We will be updating in the future with our other foreign caches.

Monday, August 18, 2008

M comes too and other adventure plans

We have been wanting M to come along with us for a while and she finally went out on a long walk. J was a little crazy though. The weather was hot and as it turns out the walk to this Cache was a lot longer than expected.
We started out with a short drive to Glastonbury and found the access trail into the land preserve. There are lots of great trails back here we are going to have to come back sometime when the weather is a little better for wandering.
We first tried to find the Yorah Tree spirit cache but after long search it was a DNF. We have since learned that it was moved a little and burried under duff. Thank You TofuTeam, we will have to go back for this one. The tree is really neat.
Back to the Cache. We were on the hunt for the Ruby Ridge Cache. I wish that we had brought a Geologist with us since the description says we could see rubies in the rocks, we didn't see any :-( It seemed that however far we walked the cache was always 500+ meters away. We seemed to be circling this cache. We did get to trapse through some streams though.
The cache could almost be seen in this picture except that we are in the way.Thanks for the Cache O2agrv8u. We had fun but you can tell by how far our tongues are hanging out it was a hot day. We almost had to pull M home as her boots were giving her blisters and she was very tired.

Bigger Adventures:
M and J were going to be heading over sees but not without bringing a little bit of us with them. We had been hunting around with J for over a month now finding caches and we wanted some foreign action. Before we left we assembled some Travel bugs to bring with us. Here they are:

First is our travel bug. The Caching_PWDs Vicarious Vacation. We want to see the world but it isn't so easy for us to travel over seas. This Travel bug has a simple mission and a more complex one. First see the world. But who doesn't want to do that. Second since SASE is from Sweden. Visit her home! The next two travel bugs are ones taht we picked up along our previous journeys.
The PR bear is a little teddy bear with the Puerto Rican Flag on it. It was especially cute since a little girl placed it and wants it to travel the world and send plenty of pictures. (We need to send her some more!). We new that this oversea journey was going to happen so we thought we should help this Travel Bug on it's way for the Young girl.Marty the Party Animal was our first Travel bug find we snatched it up fast and held onto it for way to long before we sent it on it's way. Marty has already been on quite a journey after it started in New Zealand.

We are going to update our foreign caches soon even though we could only be there in spirit. Thanks for Reading and if you want to learn more about the M and J's overseas trip check the Experiment Gone Awry Blog.