We now have a new partner in crime Linnaea Joy Kraus is the new daughter of Marika and Josh. Eventually she will get out and Geocache with us. But right now we can't even show a picture of us with her because we really want to give her a good doggy tongue bath anytime she comes near us.
Now to complete last summers list of caches found and fill you in on the only cache found so far this year. It has been a little busy and Josh hasn't gotten us on the trail, and to top it all off Coralee had 9 puppies in February and wasn't feeling very up to wandering around to find caches this past year. But she is feeling herself again and ready to go out and hunt for some more! For pictures of the puppies follow the links on the side of this page. CNSAND Pwds Blog and meet the family.
Before Josh and Family left England last year a few caches were found in our name. If turns out our grandfather Stephen Beals is pretty good at finding caches.
Bournemouth Caches
Josh and family stayed in a beach resort area in Bournemouth, England. Three caches were found in Bournemouth. The first was called "I see no ships". This is where Mr. Beals first showed his skill at finding caches when after a few moments in the general vicinity of this find he simply put his hand right on it.
After this cache Josh went off on his own to find the next cache, while the rest of the group rested in the Hotel. There was a pretty little park located along the ocean called Boscombe Chine Gardens. This cache was particularly well hidden along the side of the path after crossing the bridge.
There were two more cache found in Bournemouth one of them was along the ocean walk it was called the "Arty Railing". The other was near the shopping district called "The Only Street". I am pleased to say that Josh found the"Arty Railing" before anyone else did but Mr. Beals showed his skills with "The Only Street" putting his hand right on it the moment we came near.
Windsor Castle Cache
The group headed later headed off to Windsor and Eton. They saw Windsor castle and walked around Eton and yes tried to find some Geocaches. They tried for two caches and only found one. But they did see a Humped Zebra Crossing.
Here are two pictures of Mr. Beals in front of "Thames Path- Windsor bridge"
Here are two pictures of Mr. Beals in front of "Thames Path- Windsor bridge"
One more cache was found in England right near Stonehenge.
This was our first Mystery cache. Now before you laugh this is the one and only time that Josh will probably ever appear on this page. This is his guest appearance. But we needed proof of our mystery cache.
Last cache of 2008-State Side.
With the school year started and winter looming and all the other events of the coming 10 months only a thought We headed out for a Cache that we had tried to find a long time ago and got stopped by Mosquitoes. Since it was now well into the fall and the air was cold at night the Mosquitoes were not a problem an more and we set out in the South Windsor Land Trust to find a cache.

First Cache of 2009
With the women all a baby shower. Josh and Father and uncle set out to find a cache in RI along the Rails to trails, near Josh's parents house. We wandered around through two different developments trying to find the shortest way to the bike path and eventually with out a few ticks one us we found the cache. We picked up a neat little hand painted shell in this cache and left a caching pin.
Thank you for following along with our adventures. Please come back again and feel free to search the links at the side of this page. Bye for now. Maybe we will see you out caching... We are friendly!
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