As promised we would put a picture of the starting point for our recent adventures.

This really is a great spot to start a walk. They are only missing one thing that two crazy water dogs want... Some water.
We start our journey today planing to accomplish one cache. But we did better than that.
Tim and Pete's Excellent Adventure Virtual Cache:
This Rail Depot pavilion pictured above was built as an Eagle Scout project. That is really awesome. Our owner is an Eagle Scout it really is an achievement to be proud of. This Cache was named after two Eagle Scouts. First Tim mentioned above and next is Pete who put up mile marker posts along the Rails to Trails. This is another great Eagle Scout Project. The benefit to the public is great. Awesome job Pete and Tim!

Pictured here is the beginning of today's journey. This is the first of Pete's mile marker poles on the Rail Trail leading to Bolton. We were on a mission to see how many there were and we decided to start on the longest trail leading to Bolton. We meant to take another picture of the post right before the last one but there were lots of
muggles out walking the trail and thought they would think it strange to see us stopping to take pictures all the time.

Here we are the Beginning of the End of our journey. We have reached the ironically named End Pole. Why do we think this pole is ironically labeled? The trail quite clearly continues on for many more miles beyond this post. There should be a road marker stating the distance to points in each direction traveling along this trail. This was only the beginning of the end because we now have to walk back to the start approximately 3.5 miles more to go. And we now planned to find some more caches that we scoped out along the way.
We thought about the Box hill Jeep Trail cache and
Hybernation. But these both looked like more work than we wanted to do today but we scoped out our approach for the future.
We ended up finding the
VF series -Warm up - the Braille trail Micro Cache:

Here we are on a break after finding our cache this was on the way home from the end of Tim and Pete's Excellent Adventure. We took a little side track to enter into Valley Falls. We made one mistake on our way in and took the left trail which resulted in a little bit of a stream crossing. Our owner stayed dry but we got
to get wet! We thought that we had made a mistake after crossing the stream because of the bounce we experienced. But using the hint to guide us we found our first Micro Cache under our resting spot! We are getting much better at this, it only took us a few minutes to find this cache. We were happy since our walk to the end of the Rail trail made us tired.
Heavy Metal Micro Cache (or should we say Nano Cache):Since this cache was on our way home and didn't involve any more sidetracks we thought we would give it another try. We had looked for this Cache before and had no luck finding it. This time with almost no difficulty the cache jumped right out at us. There was some heavy metal on the site but what we were looking for was much lighter and only about the size of an eraser cap. This is the first time we have been able to find a
Nano Cache.

It was a successful day we are going to go home, rest and drink plenty of water. Thanks for the caches
snowboardersean, j.rages, and
Natureboy56. This was another day of firsts for us since it was our first
Vitual Cache, First Micro Cache and First
Nano Cache. Our advice carry water when caching, either that or plan a swimming hole along the way!
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