Cache 1: James
This was a really nice walk on a trail that we had never been on before. Here we are at the Trail head. What is that bright red dot on the tree. We are going to have to go look at that again.
Beware this next picture is a Spoiler if you can't find the cache from this one than you don't have your eyes open.
Cache 2: Tim and Pete's Excellent Adventure Part 2
We have always liked the Vernon rails to trails they are a nice easy walk and because they have nice shady trees over them they are cooler in the summer. If you haven't read past blogs look back at the previous post "A long walk with a sidetrack and surprise" posted on Monday July 7th. Again thanks Tim and Pete for what you did.
We totally missed taking a picture of the first post on the Manchester Branch of the trail because we didn't see it. We were looking at the road and the garden we didn't see the trail post. When we came back there were too many Muggles around and we thought it would be weird to take a picture of a post with them around.
Here we are a little less than 2 miles into the walk at the end post.
Time to go home !
Cache 3: Cache Across America Connecticut Our First Multi Cache?
We couldn't stop there. We came back to the Depot trail pavillion and thought why not take another shot at the Cache Across America Multi that was supposed to start here. We took a little side track off of the main trail. It almost looked like a trail.
Cache 3: Cache Across America Connecticut Our First Multi Cache?
We couldn't stop there. We came back to the Depot trail pavillion and thought why not take another shot at the Cache Across America Multi that was supposed to start here. We took a little side track off of the main trail. It almost looked like a trail.
We wondered if this is really what all multi-caches are like. We were expecting only to find the first clue today and then come back another day to finish off this adventure. But we were pleasently surprised to finished this Cache when we did!
This Cache got us thinking about our next great adventure. This summer we are going to vicariously travel to Europe. We won't be welcome on the plane and it would be difficult to get us there for only 2 weeks! But we have been promised to be well represented by Josh and Marika while they are away.
But NEXT SUMMER! We thought that we could start on a big push to find all of the Cache Across America caches. We figure that it could take a few years but we better get on it if we want to find them all. From looking at the Geocaching site no one has found them all or found the Series Final. We thought we could get a big start and get 16 in one summer by driving across country and then up to Alaska! It would be our own Excellent Adventure. We could make a couple of summers out of it. Nice long road trips seeing new places smelling new smells! It would be Excellent. We are going to have to keep on working on Marika to make it happen. At Anyrate thanks for placing the Cache Across America so close to us in Vernon. TFTC Heckle and Daddy's Girl.
Cache 4: Tennis Enyone? (TE)
We thought on this hot day that it would be good to take a walk up the hill to where Josh works! We loved the name of this cache and figured that it would be a quick find.
The day was a little hotter than we planned on but the Cache was a quick, and fun one. There really was limited chance of exposure to students for two reasons. First it is summer there aren't many around anyways but The cache is also more located in the Orchard.
Here we are under the peach tree that marks the easiest place to find this cache.
We wondered if we should take a peach they looked so good. They probably aren't ripe yet and we don't know who is responsible for this orchard.
TFTC Jaspercacher.
This is the first cache we got to leave our calling card in! They just arrived in the mail!
Too all that have found this site and the loyal followers please come back to follow all of the adventure of these two parti girls. Happy Huntin' Maybe we will start finding some good dog treats in these caches!
This is the first cache we got to leave our calling card in! They just arrived in the mail!